The low-level signal voltages or ripple control signals injected into the distribution network at various frequencies are used to control off-peak appliances. Mains signalling is also referred to as ripple control signals. The signals are commonly used to switch the metering for hot water and heating systems. Generally, the power utility will use a specifc frequency for a Suburb and a different frequency for a neighbouring Suburb.
The two most common frequencies are 1050Hz and 750Hz. The DRM1050 and DRM750 are filters designed to reduce or eliminate the effects of mains signalling that some power utilities generate.
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Signalling only used to be an issue at specific times of the day and usually only for a few minutes at a time. The use of the Ripple Signal has expanded to load shedding, controlling street-lights, air-conditioners and other similar equipment that are now required to meet new standards so equipment controlled by Ripple Control Signals is becoming more common. Signalling can be more evident from early am to late pm. So basically anytime of day or Night.
DRM1050 is a Din Rail Mount, 10A 230/240V Filter custom designed to specifically reduce or cancel the effects of the 1050Hz ripple frequency. The DRM750Hz is a Din Rail Mount, 10A 230/240V Filter custom designed to specifically reduce or cancel the effects of the DRM750Hz ripple frequency.
On some Phase Cut Dimmer modules the Thor Ripple filter can provide improvements to Dimming Range, Cold Start Values, Dimming Curve and improve the overall reliability and consistency of the performance of the dimming on your LED lights.
One of the challenges with the inclusion of a ripple filter is that each site is unique and different. The mains supply is affected by distance from sub stations, voltage, load and the variation of connected electrical equipment can all contribute to changing the effects of the mains signalling. This means one site may experience 100% elimination while another in the same or neighbouring Suburb may get only a partial improvement. This is not a fault of the filter but rather the result of all the other contributing variables involved.